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A very unique and user-friendly editor for programming and coding that works in over 60 languages

A very unique and user-friendly editor for programming and coding that works in over 60 languages

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Program license: Free

Developer: Editra

Version: 0.7.20

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac


Program license

(2 votes)






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  • Support for over 60 programming languages
  • Highly customizable with a vast array of plug-ins
  • Emphasis on syntax highlighting and readability
  • Active user community contributing to development
  • Convenient plug-in management with built-in downloader


  • Still in Alpha stage, potential for instability
  • Occasional bugs and crashes due to ongoing development

Multi-Language Programming Companion: Editra Review

In the crowded space of code editors, Editra distinguishes itself as an adaptable tool tailored to the needs of programmers who thrive on versatility. With support for over 60 different programming languages, Editra presents itself as a solid choice for developers looking for a comprehensive coding solution.

Customization and Extensibility

One of the crowning features of Editra is its modular design. The editor operates with a strong emphasis on plug-ins, allowing users to tailor the software to their specific needs. Much like a browser that extends its capabilities through add-ons, Editra employs a similar principle, ensuring that it can grow with the demands of its user base. The plug-in architecture paves the way for personalized functionality, ranging from additional syntax highlighting to advanced code navigation and automation tools.

Usability and Syntax Highlighting

Editra makes a concerted effort to streamline the coding experience. Developers spend a significant portion of their time reading and reviewing code. To that end, Editra's robust syntax highlighting improves readability and helps coders navigate through complex codebases with greater ease. This focus on user-friendly interfaces underscores the design philosophy of making the coding process as straightforward as possible, regardless of the programming language in use.

Community and Development

Though Editra is a robust tool, potential users should be aware that it is still in the Alpha development stage. This means that while Editra is very much a work in progress, it also has the advantage of being nurtured by an active and thriving community of users. These developers are continuously working to refine and expand the software, driving it forward with each update. Issues like translation glitches and localization have been noted and addressed in recent updates, signaling an ongoing commitment to improvement.

Plug-in Management

The developer of Editra acknowledges the importance of compatibility, especially when it comes to matching plug-ins with the correct version of Python installed on a user's system. To mitigate such concerns, the software includes a built-in plug-in downloader which is not only adaptive to your environment but also prioritizes ease of use through a drag-and-drop interface. This proactive approach helps prevent conflicts and facilitates a smoother integration of new features.

Performance Considerations

Performance is a vital factor in the effectiveness of a code editor. While Editra offers a wealth of features and customization options, its Alpha stage development may introduce certain stability issues. Users may occasionally encounter bugs or crashes, which is a common scenario for software that is still under active development. However, these incidents are counterbalanced by the opportunity to engage with a responsive community that is eager to resolve such issues in subsequent releases.


Editra may not be the final word in code editors, but its wide-ranging language support and expandability make it an intriguing prospect for programmers. Its plug-in driven model gives it the potential to cater to a variety of coding preferences and requirements, offering a unique level of customization in the editor space. While users should be prepared for some growing pains associated with its ongoing development, Editra remains a strong contender worth considering for a personalized coding experience.


  • Support for over 60 programming languages
  • Highly customizable with a vast array of plug-ins
  • Emphasis on syntax highlighting and readability
  • Active user community contributing to development
  • Convenient plug-in management with built-in downloader


  • Still in Alpha stage, potential for instability
  • Occasional bugs and crashes due to ongoing development